My Priorities

My Priorities

  • I will serve you, protect you, and listen to you.
  • I will maintain justice at all times, while honoring the rule of law and the Constitution.
  • I will keep the peace and protect all residents of Howell County.
  • I will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Missouri
  • I will work to constantly improve the professional standards of the Sheriff's Office
  • I will rebuild relationships with other public safety agencies in Howell County and the Sheriff's Offices of adjoining counties.
  • I will work diligently to stop the employee retention crisis currently plaguing our Sheriff's Office.
  • I will work to recruit the best and brightest individuals to serve the citizens of Howell County.
  • I will ensure your tax dollars are being spent wisely and efficiently.
  • I will ensure our Deputies are receiving adequate training in all areas.
  • I will be accessible to you and committed to answering your questions, relieving your concerns, and working with you to build a community-based law enforcement office that will not forget who we serve.
  • I am committed to providing good coaching and mentoring and fair employment and promotion practices
  • I am committed to building and engaging community partnerships to sustain a safe and tranquil quality of life for all of Howell County's citizens and visitors.
  • I am prepared to face the various challenges law enforcement officers and administrators encounter today.