Retention of employees is currently at an all-time low. In just over 3 years the Howell County Sheriff's Office has seen in excess of 60 employees leave by terminations, resignations, and retirement. In 2021 the Sheriff's Office employed 50 people across the patrol, dispatch, investigations, jail, court security, and clerical divisions. By 2024 we have lost decades of experience in these few short years. We have lost money that was invested into these employees. The revolving door of employees must be stopped!
In times of economic uncertainty and rapid inflation it is crucial for your Sheriff to be fiscally responsible. In 2022 the taxpayers of Howell County passed a 1/4 cent sales tax. Despite an influx of monies, the Sheriff's Office was still over budget by $107,427.23 in 2023. This is unacceptable! Where is that money going? Sheriff Campbell made a promise to the people of Howell County to be transparent and accountable with tax revenue. There has been no information released as to what these monies have been used for.
The Howell County Jail is in dire need of a new facility. Understanding a replacement jail is at best, several years away, we must assess the security issues of the current jail and make necessary repairs and upgrades. A new camera system only goes so far to increase the security of the facility. There are sections of broken and missing glass, inoperable locking mechanisms, missing and inoperable lighting fixtures, and plumbing and HVAC issues that have been ignored for far too long. Why have these critical issues been ignored when money is being unnecessarily spent on things like new flooring and RFID controlled key boxes? Why has fencing around the exterior of the facility still yet to be completed?
I cannot do this without your help! If you share my values and see my vision for a better Howell County Sheriff's Office, please support me on this journey.
Make checks payable to "Committee to Elect Matt Roberts" and mail to:
Committee to Elect Matt Roberts
PO Box 213
West Plains, MO 65775.